Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Kanye West Does Not Need Anger Management

Well it's from his mouth so it must be true, right?

One can only imagine how many sparks were flying off Kanye West's Mac Air after he returned from the holiday weekend and saw the story in Friday's Chicago Sun-Times, reporting that his management team was considering signing him up for anger-management classes in an attempt to curb the rapper's infamous temper tantrums.

Never one to let a good deed go unpunished, West vigorously denied the story on his blog on Monday. The headline said it all: "No Anger Management ... If Anything I Need Anger Enhancement! LOL!!!" In the rant, West made it clear that what you read is not necessarily always the truth.

"Do y'all remember when people said my fiancee was pregnant???? ... I'm just using that as an example of how people make up stuff and everybody runs with it," he wrote. "I had my own family asking me about that. Now the media is saying I'm going to anger management something or 'nother. I have never had any conversations about anger management. If anything, I need anger enhancement!! lol! I get off the plane in Hawaii today and the world is saying my management team said blah blah blah ... SIIIIIIGGGHHHH! I told the media you can't make up lies about me because I have a media outlet myself."

West's, ahem, angry response was inspired by comments from an unnamed "insider" in his camp, who reportedly told the Sun-Times gossip columnist that they thought anger-management classes would improve West's own "personal psychological well-being and relationship with friends," as well as help him get some lucrative endorsement deals.

Yunno, maybe it's time for Kanye to take break, like a really long vacation in Mongolia somewhere.

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