New York surprised everyone including me by picking Tailor Made a couple of weeks ago, but it's certainly sounding more and more like she made the right choice.
Apparently the rumors are not true about Tony sleeping around behind Eva's back. Guess all bets are off . . . for now, tho I still say 3 to 5 years, tops.
I knew that it wasn't just a coincidence that LC would keep running into Heidi all the time this season, but regardless of the "re-enactments", "The Hills" is still one of my favorite reality shows.
Vivica should know better. Hope I don't see her going off on one of her infamous tirades on anybody soon because that'd be kind of hypocritical after this incident. Would be kinda sad to know her fine ass was locked up tho', so I hope she learns from this.
The idiot who practically got Isiah Washington fired from "Grey's Anatomy" is now complaining about her own role on the show and "Knocked Up" supposedly being "sexist". Of course, if she thought the movie was so sexist (which it definitely isn't for any sane person who saw the flick) one has every right to wonder why she did the movie in the first place. Could it be that she knew the flick was going to be a hit, thus greatly upping her per movie salary? Of course not.
She's been cast in the new Justice League of America movie. I have no idea who she is or whether or not she can act, but as far as aesthetics go she certainly gives Lynda Carter a run for the money.